Joshua is Board Certified PA currently practicing in hematology/oncology at the George Washington (GW) Cancer Center in Washington, D.C. He is a graduate of Shenandoah University’s PA program class of 2022, and most recently completed his Doctor of Medical Science degree from Shenandoah University in 2023. Joshua also holds a Master of Public Health degree from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. He completed a bachelor’s degree in biology from Auburn University Montgomery. His vision involves treatment for the whole person, eliminating health inequities, and improving community health. He is an active mentor in the National Society of Black Physician Assistants (NSBPA) mentorship program. He is a member of the African Heritage PA Caucus (AHPAC) and serves as Treasurer for the Virginia Association of Minority PAs. Joshua joined the Board of Directors of the nccPA Health Foundation in 2024 and is serving a three-year term in a seat reserved for an early career PA.