Mental health

The nccPA Health Foundation is a leader in promoting resources for Board Certified PAs’ awareness of mental and behavioral health in whole-person care for patients and providers.


Mental health is a vital part of each patient’s emotional, social, and physical wellness. PAs are uniquely positioned to provide mental health support through integrated care initiatives that allow them to address the entire spectrum of mental and behavioral health needs, including substance use disorders. The nccPA Health Foundation empowers PAs with the resources needed to develop these interdisciplinary strategies and advance of role of PAs in addressing mental health.

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Position PA teams across all specialties to become health champions and advance the idea that every PA is a psych PA.

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Stay at the forefront of mental health care research and identify emerging issues before they affect patients.

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Benefit from our PArtners in Mental Health Initiative and leverage partnerships as part of a broader collective impact strategy.

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Address the underlying causes of mental illness with strategies to foster physical and mental wellness in whole-person care.

Mental Health Spotlights

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Mental Health Spotlight

Hear from Certified PA Jody Vulk when she learned that mental health issues are common and treatable, clearing her mind for patient care.

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  • PA

Mental Health Spotlight

Hear PA student (now Certified PA) Hwal Lee share the benefits of good student mental health from studying to coping with the normal stresses of life.

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  • PA

Mental Health Spotlight

Hear Certified PA Jessica Tabb explain how she teaches students to help patients connect their mental health with their physical health.

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Share your thoughts

We believe collaborative efforts are the best way to promote inclusive strategies for improvement. Join the conversation and connect with others who share your vision of a better future!


Our mental health affects every aspect of our lives, which is why it’s so concerning that mental health disorders are among the most common causes of disability. With over 122 million Americans living in areas with known mental health profession shortages, PAs have an increasingly important role in addressing the spectrum of patients’ mental health needs.


U.S. adults with mental illness who did not receive treatment in 2021


Average delay between mental illness onset and treatment


U.S. adults with a co-occurring substance use disorder and mental illness in 2022


Earnings lost each year in the U.S. due to serious mental illness

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Our PArtners in Mental Health Initiative leverages a collective impact strategy to advance the role of Certified PAs and strengthen partnerships to address mental and behavioral health and substance use disorders. The nccPA Health Foundation works with national PA leadership organizations, Certified PAs, and interprofessional champions to identify new ways to broaden and deepen the PA profession’s impact. We benchmark these efforts annually and release an annual stakeholder report to share insights, ideas, and initiatives. View our latest annual report and past efforts.

  • PA

What is OCD?

OCD does not discriminate. Learn how Certified PAs can support individuals through screening, education, and resources.

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  • PA

What is OCD?

OCD does not discriminate. Learn how Certified PAs can support individuals through screening, education, and resources.

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Every movement begins with a single action. Take charge of mental health initiatives by tapping essential funding resources you need to empower PAs in the fight for mental health.